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Lowes Taaffe & Bhikoo
Pakuranga Optometrists
Family Eye Care & Ortho-K
(Formerly Visique Pakuranga Optometrists)
09-576 4769
09-572 0028
Our new address: 125 Pakuranga Road
Just outside the Pakuranga Plaza, (Next to the Kiwibank and Post Office).
Driver's Licence Test
Our optometrist can do a screening check of your vision and peripheral vision, if you meet legal requirements we can provide you with a DL12 form (eyesight certificate) to take to the licencing agency.
We can also incorporate this into a general eye examination which may save you time and frustration of having to queue up at the testing centre for the vision screening component of sitting or renewing your licence.
The eyesight certificate is required for those who have failed the vision screen at the licencing agency and is valid for 60 days.
Please note, if you fail the screening test a full eye examination will be required.
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