Lowes Taaffe & Bhikoo
Pakuranga Optometrists
Family Eye Care & Ortho-K
(Formerly Visique Pakuranga Optometrists)
09-576 4769
09-572 0028
Our new address: 125 Pakuranga Road
Just outside the Pakuranga Plaza, (Next to the Kiwibank and Post Office).
Contact Lenses
It is vital to have a full eye examination with your Optometrist to enjoy successful contact lens experience. Your general health, eye health, vision requirements, lifestyle and expectations are all important factors to consider when it comes to successful contact lenses wear. Once that is all taken into account, our Optometrists will carefully measure your eye health and vision requirements. Recommendation of the replacement type and material of the contact lens that may be the best fit for you can then be made. After you have made a decision on the type of contact lenses you are the most comfortable with, a thorough session on how to insert, remove and take care of your contact lens can be booked with one of our Optometrists.
Doing some research before your consultation can help tremendously and increase the success of your contact lenses journey. Make sure to pay attention to the cleaning and storage procedures recommended for your specific lens type. Stay alert for any unusual symptoms such as pain or discharges coming out from your eyes. Last but not least, annual contact lens checks even if vision and prescription have not changed is vital to ensure the contact lenses you are wearing are still the best “fit” for your eyes.